Research Areas: Combinatorics and its applications



1997.09-2001.07: Student (undergraduate), Shandong University, China
2001.09-2005.10: Student (successive postgraduate and doctoral program), Shandong University, China
2005.11-2007.07: Student (joint training of PhD), Université Paris-Saclay(formerly Université Paris-Sud), France

2008.03-2009.09: Postdoc, École Centrale Paris, France
2009.09-2015.12: Associate professor, Shandong University, China
2015.12-now: Professor, Shandong University, China
2018.04-2021.04: Vice-dean of the School of Mathematics, Shandong University, China
2021.04-now: Secretary of the Party Committee of School Mathematics, Shandong University, China

2023, National High-Level Talents
2019, The Taishan Scholars Program for Young Researchers
2018, Cyrus Tang Foundation for Young Researchers
2018, Youth Science and Technology Award of the Operations Research Society of China
2017, Shandong Youth Science and Technology Award

1. Ming Chen, Jie Han, Guanghui Wang and Donglei Yang. H-factors in graphs with small independence number. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 169:373-405(2024).
2. Fan Chang, Jie Han, Jaehoon Kim, Guanghui Wang, Donglei Yang. Embedding clique-factors in graphs with low ℓ-independence number. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 161: 301-330 (2023).
3. Laihao Ding, Jie Han, Shumin Sun, Guanghui Wang, Wenling Zhou. Tiling multipartite hypergraphs in quasi-random hypergraphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 160:36-65 (2023).
4. Yangyang Cheng, Jie Han, Bin Wang, Guanghui Wang. Rainbow spanning structures in graph and hypergraph systems. Forum of Mathematics Sigma, Vol. 11:e95 1–20(2023).
5. Bingyu Luan, Yantao Tang, Guanghui Wang, Donglei Yang. Balanced subdivisions of cliques in graphs. Combinatorica, 43: 885-907 (2023).
6. Yangyang Cheng, Yifan Jing, Lina Li, Guanghui Wang, Wenling Zhou. Integer colorings with forbidden rainbow sums. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 199: 105769 (2023).
7. Hong Liu, Guanghui Wang, Donglei Yang. Clique immersion in graphs without a fixed bipartite graph. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 157: 346-365 (2022).
8. Laihao Ding, Jie Han, Shumin Sun, Guanghui Wang, Wenling Zhou. F-factors in quasi-random hypergraphs. Journal of London Mathematical Society, 106(3): 1810-1843 (2022).
9. Jie Han, Xichao Shu, Guanghui Wang. Non-linear Hamilton cycles in linear quasi-random hypergraphs. Proceedings of the 2021 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA).

1) Research on generalized coding based on real number fields – Task 1,2023/12/01,2028/11/30,
2) Graph network theory and algorithms and their applications in biomedical problems, 2023/01/01,2027/12/31,
3) High performance graph calculation project, 2021/04/01,2022/03/31,
4) Research on mathematical models and algorithms in precision medicine of breast cancer, 2020/11/30,2025/11/30,
5) Combinatorial optimization model and algorithm in multi-omics data integration and analysis,2020/11/30,2025/11/30,
6) Some classes of extremal problems in edge-colored graphs and digraphs,2018/08/16,2022/12/31,